Day 4 not as monumental, but a good day nonetheless...

Dear Bud (aka Christy),

Well our kinda art requires a lot of time at the computer. Unfortunately, my regular job does as well and now it's taking it's toll. My lower back is killing me. I blame that damn job though.

I'm using Bengay for the first time and finally taking some Ibuprofen. It was working earlier tonight but it's wearing off. Usually I can tough it out, but man, this really hurts. I'm discovering that I hold in a lot tension in how I sit at work and put a lot of unnecessary stress on myself physically and mentally. It's not worth it on so many levels. Time for a new attitude. "Whatever needs to get done, will get done. Whatever didn't get done, didn't need to get done."

Despite all that, my art got done!! This brings me much happiness.

As for today's activity, I put yesterday's "Funky Kitty Meow Meow" to good use and posted it's YouTube video and music track on my site. I created 3 different lengths (:30 sec, :60sec and 2 min) and have them available at different price points. I think I may make some more whiteboard animations with my music. It's definitely fun to do and it's a great marketing tool as well as an excellent demonstration of how my well my songs work visually. Plus, it makes my site look better.

So, not much actual creativity today, but productive nonetheless, which makes it a good day.

Looking forward to reading your blog and seeing where you're at.

Budmeister (aka Edie)
CEO of Bad Assery Inc.

P.S. I was scribbling at work and this came out of nowhere. Go figure, never doodled anything like this before.