Day 3 of summer sister blogging. It's becoming a habit.

Dear Bud (aka Christy),

Well, I did this stop motion animation on my iPhone yesterday afternoon. Took a little detour from Flash CC. I may work with that later this week. Trying to keep things fresh and create all kinds of things. I recorded this funky loop late last night just before writing this blog. I spent more time on the music than the animation.

Mom thinks my cat is cute. It was a bit challenging drawing with one hand and pressing record with the other. Of course after I finished drawing Funky Kitty Meow Meow, I find my handy dandy remote shutter. Duh.

Well I'm off to be bed. It's after 4 am again.

Can't wait to see what you're up to. Yesterday's comic book was totally rad!!

Budmeister (aka Edie)

CEO of Bad Assery Inc.